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Тексты Кагью

Версия от 09:42, 21 мая 2008; Sherab (обсуждение | вклад)

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Marpa Kagyu

Collected initiations and instructions of the Marpa Kagyu tradition; this collection was expanded by H.H. Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche to include special teachings concerned with Vajrapani according to the Ngog school (8 vol)

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     (4 vol)
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Collected works of the founder of the Dagpo Kagyu tradition, Gampopa Sonam Rinchen (1079-1153); reproduced from a manuscript from Lahul (2 vol)

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Selected writings of the Dagpo Kagyu master Gampopa Sonam Rinchen (1079-1153); includes a biography of Gampopa by his descendant Sonam Lhundrub (1488-1552); scanned from a reprint of a rare manuscript from Gemur in Lahul (1 vol)

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Collected writings of an early master of the Marpa Kagyu tradition (9 vol)

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Nyengyu Traditions

    • rare dkar-brgyud-pa texts from the library of ri-bo-che rje-drun of padma-bkod [W30534]
     Collection of orally transmitted teachings of the Kagyud tradition; includes an appended biography of Mitrayogin (1 vol)
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   * bde mchog mkha' 'gro snyan rgyud [W30124]
     Two manuscript collections of Demchog Nyengyu teachings as taught by Tsangnyon Heruka (1452-1507); these manuscripts seems connected with the Bara Kagyu tradition (2 vol)
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   * mkha' 'gro snyan brgyud kyi yig rnying [W21141]
     Ancient teachings of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition for the practice of the oral transmission of the Rechung Nyengyu; compiled by Padma Karpo (1527-1592); the manuscript reproduced here is in Bhutanese cursive script and was copied from an earlier manuscript belonging to the Dechen Chokhor Chogon by the Bhutanese monk Monlam Rabsang (2 vol)
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Kamtsang Kagyu

   * gsung 'bum/_rang byung rdo rje [W30541]
     collected works of a famed master of the karma kam tshang tradition (1284-1339); the last five volumes contain the commentaries to the zab mo nang don (16 vol)
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   * gsung thor bu/_dkon mchog yan lag [W23927]
     selection of writings by a master of the karma kagyu tradition, the 5th shamar konchog yanlag (1525-1583) (2 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_mkha' spyod dbang po [W23928]
     Collected works of a master of the Karma Kagyu tradition, the second Shamar Kacho Wangpo, 1350-1405; reproduced from an incomplete manuscript from Rumtek Monastery; this set contains four out of seven volumes and even the four volumes are missing texts and pages (4 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_'jam dbyangs dpal ldan rgya mtsho [W27481]
     Collected literary masterpieces of the 17th century literary figure, Tsang Khenchen Gyatso (1610-1684). He was the biographer of the First Shabdrung and apparently had served the 10th Karmapa Choying Dorje under the name Rimdrowa Kuntu Sangpo (5 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_mkha' khyab rdo rje [W22081]
     The 15th Gyalwang Karmapa Kakhyab Dorje (1871/2-1921/2) was a true follower of both the Karma Kagyu tradition and the Nyingma. He also shared a passion for the Rime movement that meant so much for his time. His corpus of initiation rituals have been included in the Rinchen Terdzo above. (10 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_ka.rma nges don bstan rgyas [W10982]
     Collected writings of a 19th century master of the Karma Kagyu tradition, Mendong Tsampa Karma Ngedon Tengye (3 vol)
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   * nA ro chos drug gi khrid skor [W23641]
     Teachings on the Six Practices of Naropa; transmitted by Kenpo Karma Ratna, a 19th century scholar of the Karma Kagyu tradition (1 vol)
   * nges don phyag rgya chen po'i khrid mdzod [W23447]
     Collection of instructional material, Indic translation and Tibetan originals, on the Mahamudra (13 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_chos kyi 'byung gnas [W26630]
     writings by a famed polymath of the karma kagyu tradition, situ panchen (1699/1700-1774) (14 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_karma chags med [W29249]
     (1 vol)
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Drugpa Kagyu

   * rtsib-ri spar-ma : the collected instructional material on the practice of the teachings of the dkar-brgyud-pa and rdzogs-chen traditions [W20749]
     A collection of essential practice texts of the Drugpa Kargyupa and Nyingmapa traditions. This collection was put together by the scholar Ladakh Tripon Pema Chogyal. (31 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_grags pa dbang phyug [W23440]
     Collected writings of a master of the Lower transmission lineage of the Drugpa Kargyu lineage, Lorepa Dragpa Wangchuk (1187-1250) (5 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_mgon po rdo rje [W23661]
     Collected writings of Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje (1189-1258), a contemplative master of the Upper Branch of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition; these five volumes are from the library of Tango Monastic Community in Bhutan (5 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_mgon po rdo rje [W23789]
     Collected works of a master of the Upper lineage of the Drugpa Kargyu, Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje (1189-1258); 1972 reproduction of volumes printed from an incomplete manuscript set from Hemis Monastery in Ladakh reprinted in Palampur and in Darjeeling; only volume 4 and 5 were available (2 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_mgon po rdo rje [W23867]
     Collected writings of the Drugpa Kagyu master Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje (1189-1258); manuscript set from Pajoding Monastery in Bhutan that had once belonged to Shakya Rinchen (3 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_rgyal mtshan dpal [W23790]
     Collected works of a master of the Upper lineage of the Drugpa Kargyu, Yanggonpa Gyaltsen Pal (1213-1258); reproduction of volumes printed from an incomplete manuscript set from the Hemis Monastery in Ladakh; oly one volume survives (1 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_rgyal mtshan dpal [W23654]
     Collected writings of Yanggonpa Gyaltsen Pal (1213-1258), a master of the Upper Drugpa Kargyu tradition; this represents a three volume reproduction of a collection from the Tango Monastic Community in Bhutan (3 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_rgyal mtshan dpal bzang [W19975]
     Collected writings of the Drukpa Kagyu master Barawa Gyeltsen Palzang (1310-1391); these volumes contain his encyclopedic Thar pa skor gsum (14 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_kun dga' dpal 'byor [W10954]
     Collected writings of the Second Drugchen Kunga Paljor (1428-1476), hierarch of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition. (2 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_pad+ma dkar po [W10736]
     Collected works of the Drugpa Kargyu master Padma Karpo (1527-1592); scanned from the Darjeeling reprint of the Namdrug Sewa Jangchubling blocks (24 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_sangs rgyas rdo rje [W23556]
     Collected writings of a scholar of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition, Kewang Sanggye Dorje (1569-1645) (8 vol)
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   * the songs of esoteric experience of ran-rig-ras-chen [W30460]
     Collected songs of a Drugpa Kargyu master, Rangrig Raspa (1619-1683); includes a biography of Naropa and a collection of songs by Gyalwang Kunga Paljor (1 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_shAkya rin chen [W8684]
     Collected writings of the Drukpa Kagyu polymath, the 9th Je Kenpo of Bhutan, Shakya Rinchen (1710-1759) (8 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba [W10754]
     Collected writings of the Drugpa Kargyud master, the 8th Gyalwang Drugpa Kunzig Chokyi Nangwa (1768-1822); these four volumes reproduced her are prints from the Sangak Choling blocks; the supplemental rnam thar in volume 4 contains data on the price of the old edition of the Chamdo Kangyur, so far not yet discovered (4 vol)
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   * gsung 'bum/_'phags mchog rdo rje [W27299]
     (3 vol)
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   * 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa'i dbang dpe [W21512]
     Initiatory rituals for conferring the abhiseka of the teachings of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition by Kewang Sangye Dorje (1569-1645) and others. (1 vol)
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   * biographies of the successive embodiments of the rgyal-dban 'brug-chen [W20905]
     Biographies of two of the great teachers of the Drugpa Kargyupa tradition, Gyalwang Paksam Wangpo (1593-1641) and Gyalwang Mipam Wangpo (1641-1717). Biographies or namtar contain accounts of the external life and interior realizations of great masters of the Tibetan tradition. (1 vol)
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   * mi pham ngag dbang snyan grags dpal bzang po'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar rgya mtsho'i zlos gar [W22182]
     Biography of a hierarch of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition, the Second Dingpoche Chogdra (1677-1688?); written by Tagtse Kukye Mipam Puntso Sherab. (1 vol)
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Drugpa Kagyu and Nyingma

Drigung Kagyu

Important Drigung Kagyu treatise on the Mahayana; new and carefully edited edition in two volumes (2 vol)

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collected works of a master of the drigung kagyu tradition (6 vol)

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Taglung Kagyu

    • stag lung bka' brgyud kyi kyai rdor sgrub skor [W23188]
     The teachings of the Hevajra Tantra of the Taglung Kagyu, one of the eight minor lineages of the tradition, date back to Taglung Tangpa Chenpo (1142-1209/10), a direct disciple of Pagmo Drupa. The teachings of the Taglung Kagyu flourished at Taglung and at Riwoche in Kham. This volume contains the rituals and teachings connected with the special practices of the Hevajra Tantra and a confessional text to be read to expiate the death of snakes and other small animals (1 vol)
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Bara Kagyu

Phagdru Kagyu

Shangpa Kagyu

compilation of essential teachings of the shangpa kargyu tradition as taught by the late kalu rimpoche (11 vol)

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