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Дуджом Терсар

Dudjom Tersar (bdud 'joms gter gsar)

In general, the "Lineage" of a "Tersar" tradition comes from those new "treasures" (termas) of an individual terton, and should include the initiations (wang), scriptural transmissions (lung), and oral teachings (tri) of all the important practices and sadhanas of that particular tradition. Such are the cases with the "Chokling Tersar" and the "Dudjom Tersar" Hence, it is not necessary to include all the writings of the Terton himself (except those related commentaries on those practices). For example, the 25 volumes of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche's Collected Works (Sungbum) include both his Tersar as well as his other writings.

The "Dudjom Tersar" as a Lineage forms a whole system by itself, and thus it does not include the works or termas of other Masters. However, there are cases that the works and termas of other great Masters are also included simply because of the realizations of the terton himself, such as Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, that he felt it to be more beneficial to all sentient beings by either having some of the long termas of other tertons to be condensed, or by elaborating on some of the more concise termas of other tertons, or both. In any case, the terton himself had done so with a pure intention to benefit all others through his own realizations. For example, there are two important practices on the Khandro Thugthig which was written by Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche that has been included in the Vol.16 of the Dudjom Sungbum by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche himself. Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche had done so when he was still in Lhasa, as he thought this to be most appropriate and beneficial to all sentient beings.

One important thing that differentiates the important works of these great Masters, as compared with the commentaries on both sutras and tantras by other teachers, is the fact that these works are the true realizations of these great Masters who had truly experienced the Dharmata, in order that these works will have the blessings and the continuity of the Lineage all through its Lineage Holders. Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche was being appointed by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche as his principal Doctrine-Holder (Chodak) of the "Dudjom Tersar" lineage. (Please refer to the letter written by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche in appointing Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche as his Vajra Regent, as recorded in the life story of Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche.)

Четыре цикла Дуджом Терсар от Дуджома Лингпы, первые три из которых являются "гонгтер" (терма ума), последний "сатер" (терма земли):

  • "Дагнанг Еше Драва" ("Сети мудрости Чистых Видений"), такие как учения Трома;
  • "Маха-Ати Йога Забчо Гонпа Рандрол" ("Глубокие Учения по Естественно Самоосвобождающих Просветлённых Видений"), например Ченрезик;
  • "Чонид Намкхай Лонгдзо" ("Сокровищница Обширного Пространства из Неба Мудрости Изначальной Природы"), с учениями Трекчо и Тогял;
  • "Кхандро Ньинтиг".

Четыре цикла Дуджом Терсар от Кьябдже Дуджома Джигдрала Еше Дордже, "гонтер" (терма ума):

  • "Цокье Тугтиг" цикл практик включающий внешнюю, внутреннюю, тайную и сверхтайную садханы Гуру;
  • "Пудри Рекпунг", цикл практик Йдама;
  • "Кхандро Тугтиг", цикл практик включающий внешнюю, внутреннюю, тайную и сверхтайную садханы Дакини;
  • "Дордже Дроло", цикл практик сверхгневной манифестации Гуру Ринпоче, Дордже Дроло.

Here in the "Dudjom Tersar" there is a cycle of "Khandro Nyingthig" discovered by Dudjom Lingpa, while there is another cycle of "Khandro Thugthig" discovered by Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje. Then, there are two other two cycles of Dorje Phurba, namely: (i) The "Thugdrub Sangwai Gyachan" cycle; (ii) (ii) The "Thugdrub Yeshe Nyima" cycle, both of which are included in the "Khandro Nyingthig" cycle of Dudjom Lingpa. At the same time, there is the cycle of "Namchag Pudri" revealed by Dudjom Lingpa, and the cycle of "Pudri Rekpung" revealed by Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, both are of the yidam Dorje Phurba.
